Council Support
You can find details and contact information for all of our local councils and contacts below.
Exmouth Town Council
1st floor, Town Hall, St Andrews Road, Exmouth, EX8 1AW
Tel: 01395 276167
East Devon District Council
Station Road, Knowle, Sidmouth, Devon, EX10 8HL
Tel: 01395 516 551
Devon County Council
County Hall, Topsham Rd, Exeter, Devon, EX2 4QD
Tel: 0345 155 1004
Exmouth Citizens Advice Bureau
44 Rolle St, Exmouth, Devon, EX8 2SH
Tel: 0344 411 1444
Exmouth Tidy Group
We are a bunch of enthusiastic locals who work to help make Exmouth a tidier and litter free place to live and work in. We are supported by the Exmouth Town Council; we work with other local groups; we liaise with the local Streetscene to identify problem areas of the town that need tidying – litter, graffitti, litter bins, etc; we do regular litter picks.
We operate the Pride in Exmouth award. It’s an award promoted jointly by the Exmouth Tidy Group and the Exmouth Town Council to recognise local businesses that do that bit extra to keep their premises and surrounding area tidy and attractive in a way that enhances our town. Having a tidy and litter-free environment helps to make Exmouth a great place for us to live and work, and for visitors to enjoy.
New members are always welcome and if would like to find out how to get involved contact us through our Facebook page.